Thursday, October 21, 2010

Taking an afternoon nap is good for the heart

Recent research shows that a quick forty winks in the middle of the day may reduce the risk of death from , particularly in young healthy men. A six year study in Greece found that those who took a thirty minute nap at least three times a week have a 37% lower risk of heart related deaths. To prove the relevance of these results the researchers also took into account the ill and physically activity of the people taking part in the test.

Taking an afternoon nap is good for the heart

Experts said napping might help people to relax, reducing their stress levels. As it is known countries where siestas are common tend to have lower levels of heart disease. Therefore surely a siesta is
something to adopt.

The researchers in the Greek study looked at 23,681 men and women aged between twenty and eighty-six. The subjects did not have a history of heart disease or any other severe condition. The
researchers found those who took naps of any frequency and duration had a 34% lower risk of dying from heart disease than those who did not take midday naps. Those who took naps of more than 30
minutes three or more times a week had a 37% lower risk. Such results suggest to me that a nap is exactly what the ordered.

Taking an afternoon nap is good for the heart1

Taking an afternoon nap is good for the heart2

Taking an afternoon nap is good for the heart3

Taking an afternoon nap is good for the heart4

If a nap is good for our health then we should have a day bed to suit our needs. At the Bedstar store there is a beautiful range of day beds to in any home. These beds look like normal iron sided sofas but with a comfy mattress as the seat. Therefore it is no trouble to lay down and have thirty minutes of beauty sleep; sleep that can help your heart.

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