Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Interior Design Tool

Here's an eco idea (both environmentally and economically speaking),  instead of buying a stack of magazines to find inspiration for your next home project, go to the Decorpad website.

It's a great resource for seeing lots of interiors in many different styles.  So rather than flipping through countless magazines looking for particular images that might inspire you, go to this site and find ideas that directly relate to your own project.

Here's how I like to use the site... say your thinking about painting your kitchen cabinets (like I do every other day!) but are unsure if you want a bright white kitchen or something richer. Well, you go to Decorpad, pull down where it says 'posts' and select the 'photos' search option, enter in the key words 'white kitchen' and... Voila!  Dozen's of kitchens come up with that criteria. It can be quite helpful to see real examples and you might get some new ideas too.  Have fun with the word combinations...maybe try 'bedroom chandelier'?

I've been contemplating painting our kitchen cabinets a black-charcoal color. It sounds scary but here are some images from Decorpad that make me think I might love it...

McGill Design Group

McGill Design Group

Kristin Cunningham Kitchen

House & Garden

Hmm, this image has me thinking about my next post. Painting your window sashes in a contrasting color... let's discuss!

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