Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Useful Hallway

As I was picking up clothes this morning (mom task #1 out of 250) and placing our pjs on the hooks in our hallway, I realized how great it is to have them... and that everyone should!  Usually, you see them in mudrooms for coats, but why not use this organizing idea in other areas of the house. Typically, we hang clothes worn around the house that might get used again, like...pajama bottoms or jeans.  It gives us a place for them that's easily accessible.  And what had been wasted hallway space, now serves a great purpose!

All you need to do this yourself are some pegs that you can get at any hardware store or craft center and a board that is cut to fit.   We used poplar wood since it's great to paint and you can get it at a local lumber yard.  Keep in mind that we located it between a door and a wall so the board is bound at both ends. This makes it feel more integrated with the architecture and creates a designated area for the hanging stuff.

For the sake of  being 'real' (that is my goal on this blog... not just glossy magazine images of perfection), this is typically what it looks like... 

So yes, I have to be mindful and purge the jeans after a while and get the hats in the bin by the front door, etc...  It seems no matter how much storage and organizing tools you have, it takes persistence to keep it looking good. Oh well, at least it gets the stuff off the floor and I can make it presentable when we have company.   Now if I could just get my husband to stop being a Hook Hog (yes, those are his pajamas, jeans, hats, jacket, etc...).

I'm working with someone right now on their own hanging needs.  I found some cools ideas that go with her vintage look.  Time to hit the flea market for some old knobs and distressed lumber!

Where in your house could you make better use of your blank walls!?

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